Dynamic, explosive strength and cardio training where the elements of dance and pilates interweave. It builds muscular endurance, moves are fluid, biomechanical, safe and effective. It effects the increase of strength, endurance and stamina, it improves coordination, explosiveness, the sense of body in space, agility.

Music with which the movements are performed is inspirational, energetic, cheerful. Listening to some old and some new hits while performing exercises in total barre training, you can feel both powerful and slow rhythm of the music, you harmonize your body moves with various Pilates props which give you the complete impression of the challenge and intensity during the class.

This training can be modified in accordance with client’s possibilities. It is created also for clients with restrictive mobility. Choreography is simplified, it demands less joint movement. Flexibility, balance and strength of movement are emphasized. In spite of client’s weakness, health or injury, selective and effective movements are encouraged. This training is adjusted and intended for all clients.

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